BODY MUSIC - see music / hear dance Crosspulse and the International Body Music Festival (IBMF) present BODY MUSIC — a touring concert of traditional and contemporary Body Music artists from around the globe. From tundra to tropics, people snap, clap, step and sing artful music. The oldest music on the planet, before people were hollowing logs and slapping rocks, they were using their bodies to express musical ideas. BODY MUSIC ignites audiences with music you can SEE, dance you can HEAR —a dynamic and deeply visceral cross-cultural conversation using only the instrument we all share. Sand dance, hand dance, foot percussion, lyrical harmony singing, visual rhythm in architecture and design, virtuosic solos, dynamic ensemble works: BODY MUSIC is a collaborative evening that showcases the international casts' virtuosity and cultural vibrance. A unique theatrical experience, BODY MUSIC is a journey, from pinpoints of light, through large and small cycles of time, to community, passing on traditions, humor, celebration,loneliness; and the place of the human body in the cosmos, including our eternal quest to understand this relationship. Keith Terry (Oakland, US), pioneer in contemporary Body Music and Artistic Director of Crosspulse and the IBMF, and Jep Meléndez (Las Canariás, Spain) Director of Cambuyón, assemble an international cast of seven contemporary and traditional performers: Themselves, plus LeeLa Petronio (Paris, France) Director of Hip Tap Project and member of STOMP; Raul Cabrera (Havana, Cuba) of Cambuyón; Thanos Daskalopolous (Athens, Greece) director of TapMotif; Evie Ladin (Oakland, US) vocalist, step dancer and director of MoToR/dance; and Bryan Dyer (Oakland, US) vocalist with Linda Tillery, SoVoSo. The artists of BODY MUSIC provide a strong Educational Outreach program in conjunction with performances, understanding that using Body Music to access rhythm, time and timing, ensemble awareness, and intercultural communication is not only extremely effective, but available to all people, providing useful, and fun, skills. Artists: Production: BODY MUSIC and The International Body Music Festival are projects of Crosspulse, an Oakland, California-based non-profit arts organization dedicated to the creation, performing, education and recording of cross-cultural rhythmic arts, since 1979 PHOTOS
Mr. Terry and his colleagues in action
is like visiting an ANATOMICAL CARNIVAL,
where hands, feet, fingers, bellies,
rumps and mouths engage in an endless
— Wall Street Journal